Saturday, March 29, 2025
191 9th St.
Strattanville, PA 16258

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Our Services

Service Box Rubberized Crack Filler

Geotextile Fabric

Paving and Pavement Repair

  • Absorbs and Dissipates Stresses in the Pavement
  • Reduces Reflective and Fatigue Cracking
  • Minimizes Water Infiltration Through the Pavement
  • Used In New and Existing Pavements
  • Easy to Handle and Install


Specialty paving fabrics (non‐woven polypropylene) are engineered to reduce water infiltration and reflective cracking, thereby saving on costly repaving cycles. When used in combination with an asphalt tack coat, this layer acts as a barrier to surface water infiltration and limits softening of the sub‐grade and freeze thaw damage, which could otherwise occur. They have been proven to extend the life of asphalt pavements, beneath overlays of rigid and flexible pavements and beneath tar & chip pavements.


Both laboratory and field testing have shown pavements to be 10 to 1,000 times less permeable when the Petromat® System is incorporated as an interlayer.

Screen Shot 2020 05 05 at 1.56.18 PMBenefits

Moisture Barrier: By minimizing water infiltration, the moisture barrier will keep the base more well drained and, therefore, will maximize the structural strength of base materials. In rehabilitation of existing pavement, capping the surface with the fabric can be a much more efficient and cost effective way to control moisture problems than retrofitting edge drain systems to typically poor draining areas.

Stress Absorbing Interlayer: Stresses associated with limited movement along cracks and joints in existing asphalt or Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements are absorbed within the paving fabric system and therefore, are not translated, or reflected up into the asphalt concrete layer over the system.